Have Liberals Learned Anything From 2016?

I’ll make this as simple as possible.  If I am “harping on the past,” it’s because it is relevant TODAY.


July 26, 2016, Hillary Clinton becomes the Democratic nominee for president.


Responsible and intelligent Bernie Sanders supporters:


“I have major problems with Clinton on some issues, but as president she will work with Bernie in the Senate to move us to a better place.  And Donald Trump is a dangerous demagogue who must be defeated.  The Supreme Court is at stake, and I want a Democratic president making those appointments not a rightwing hack like Trump.”



Irresponsible and stupid Bernie Sanders supporters:


“The nomination was stolen!”


“Hillary is evil!”  


“Hillary and Trump are the same!”  


“Who cares if Trump wins?  Things have to get worse before they can get better.”


“I don’t care about the Supreme Court.  Hillary is for fracking!”


“I’m pissed.  I’m not voting.”


“Screw the DNC.  I’m not voting.”


“Fuck politics!”


“Go, Jill Stein!”


“I live in Blue Wisconsin.  What does it matter if I vote Green?”



Election Day, 2016.   Despite Putin’s interference, Republican voter suppression, James Comey’s interference, rampant misogyny, racism, and Hillary’s admitted mistakes on the campaign trail, HRC wins the popular vote by nearly four million.  BUT had Bernie supporters of the second category (above) voted for her, she would have easily won Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin – and the presidency in an Electoral College landslide.  It was a simple binary test:  Only Clinton or Trump could win.  A non-vote for Hillary became a vote for Trump.  This was not 2008 when, after eight years of George W. Bush’s mismanagement, the Democrats were going to win no matter our nominee (we lucked out with Barack Obama, a dream candidate!) or 2012 when we had a popular incumbent to head our ticket. This was 2016, with the country closely divided by party.



Post-election.  Bernie supporters of the second category refuse to admit their fatal mistake.  They blame Hillary, Democratic moderates, Putin, Comey, the media, et. al., to avoid any responsibility or soul-searching.  They complain about DNC rules, the Electoral College, or anything they can grasp to explain the unexplainable: “How could you stay home or vote third party when the Supreme Court was at stake?”



To this day, I have not heard ONE Bernie supporter who boycotted the election admit a fatal error in judgment.  Not one.



The liberals who did not vote for Hillary gave us a 6-3 SCOTUS.  Period.  No excuses.  No deflections.  You are responsible.





Responsible and intelligent progressives:


“I have learned the lessons of 2016.  I will vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.  We cannot afford four more years of Trump.”



Irresponsible and stupid progressives:


(Repeat irresponsible and stupid actions above and reelect Trump.)



This IS happening now.  Nina Turner, Bernie’s 2020 campaign manager, and David Sirota, Bernie’s communications strategist, have been bitching about Biden and his “neoliberal” record.  I see the same anti-DNC BS all over social media.  Will young people turn out higher than 50% -- or repeat their pathetic turnout rates of the past half-dozen presidential elections?  After Trump’s victory, young people rioted in downtown Portland.  TV crews asked who they voted for.  All but one said they didn’t even vote.


By Electoral Votes, this election will be extremely close.  Count on Trump to contest it in court.


Responsible and intelligent liberals know what to do.


There is a special spot in hell for the rest of you.


Ripples of Hope in All Directions

Positive attitudes toward gay and lesbian Americans, and codification of protections and rights, have come at lightning speed (for social change).

It was only 17 years ago that the Supreme Court ruled that LGBT Americans could not be jailed for who they are (Lawrence v. Texas). When Vermont governor Howard Dean signed a civil unions bill in 2000, he was pilloried as a heretic. Marriage equality nationwide and federal benefits came only five years ago (Obergefell v. Hodges).

Even while dissenting from today's landmark employment ruling, Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote:

“Notwithstanding my concern about the Court’s transgression of the Constitution’s separation of powers, it is appropriate to acknowledge the important victory achieved today by gay and lesbian Americans.

“Millions of gay and lesbian Americans have worked hard for many decades to achieve equal treatment in fact and in law. They have exhibited extraordinary vision, tenacity, and grit — battling often steep odds in the legislative and judicial arenas, not to mention in their daily lives.

“They have advanced powerful policy arguments and can take pride in today’s result. Under the Constitution’s separation of powers, however, I believe that it was Congress’s role, not this Court’s, to amend Title VII.”

Congress must still pass ENDA. And we must remain vigilant for threats to all of our hard-won rights. Religious fundamentalists and the likes of Trump (who can still appoint rabidly anti-gay judges) abound.

I only wish my African American brothers and sisters and all POC could see hearts and minds change as dramatically.

As we understand George Floyd's death, there are signs of hope.