I am discouraged to learn that Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris and Julian Castro have endorsed some kind of reparations for slavery. NOT on its merits -- because it would be just -- but because the issue itself would drive millions more working-class white voters into Trump's camp.
These are WINNING issues for Democrats in 2020:
More American jobs
Higher minimum wage
A more progressive tax code; closing corporate tax loopholes
More affordable health insurance - strengthening Obamacare or a public option or lowering the Medicare age to 55 or 60.
Stronger public schools
More affordable college and vocational education
A green economy
Public safety
Criminal justice reform
Federal lobbying curbs
Sensible gun control measures
Protecting the right to vote
Protections for Dreamers along with comprehensive immigration reform including non-wall border security
A strong and cost-effective military with an enlightened foreign policy
These are LOSING issues for Democrats that play right into Trump's hand:
Free college
Abolishing ICE
Slavery reparations
Repealing the Second Amendment
Cutting the Pentagon's budget